Why Dance Should Have the Same Status in Schools as Academia

Why Should Dance Have the Same Status in Schools as Academia

by Linda Celeste Sims

After taking the DEL FUNdamentals Summer Intensive 2020, I realized how vital it is for young ones to have the opportunity to dance. Through this course I learned that young ones yearn to be creative. It motivates and inspires them.  For some it’s an outlet to learn how to cope with life’s pressures.

Dance helps restore joy and stability in troubled lives and ease the tensions in schools that are disrupted by violence and bullying.

Dance is not just a form of physical activity, It is the physical expression through movement and rhythm of relationships, feelings and ideas. Dance touches every part of our bodies, soul, mind, and hearts. Some people have long understood that dance is an essential part of life and education.

The PS Dance, NY Emmy nominated film about dance education had interviews of students who had partaken in the DEL programs at their schools. Many students commented “they love how you can use imagination, connection, be free and helps them with emotions.”

At a young age these dance exercises are helping them be more open minded, learn how to express what they’re feeling, how to listen to each other, and accept others opinions. In essence becoming better individuals.

Not only is it enriching their lives but incorporating social interaction, physical activity, and mental stimulation into your daily routine.

Dance is deep in the heart of every culture throughout history. Dance is part of the pulse of humanity. It embraces multiple genres, styles and traditions and is constantly evolving. Dance as no color and no boundaries. Dance unites us all.

These students are benefiting from all that DEL has to offer. Mr. Alvin Ailey the Founder of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater said and I quote.. “Dance came from the people and should be delivered back to the people”.  Dance should be for everyone.

As a principal dancer with the Alvin Ailey American Dance theater for 24 years, I truly believe that dance is an integral part of our human society and should be instituted in all the public schools across America.