DEL NYCDOE Professional Development
The 92nd Street Y is a contracted vendor of professional development services for the New York City Department of Education. All DEL courses align with the New York City Department of Education’s Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in the Arts – Dance, Grades PreK-12.
In collaboration with NYCDOE’s Division for Early Childhood and Office of Arts, Create provides an outstanding professional learning opportunity specially curated for early childhood teaching teams. Its primary goal is to equip educators with sustainable strategies to seamlessly integrate dance into their daily instructional practices and curricular activities through customized coaching residencies. Learn more about how you can participate in Create here.
Multilingual Learners Dance Pilot
In spring 2023, DEL launched a Multilingual Learners (MLL) Dance Pilot Project in collaboration with NYC DOE Office of Arts for Diverse Learners. Using our Tracing Footsteps Journey Into Jazz Dance: Let’s Swing curriculum, DEL customized four lessons to build intentional practices for teaching language learners in grades K-5. Dance Educators and English as a New Language providers learn how to provide dance instruction with proven language strategies so all students grow creatively, and build dance and language skills.

City-Wide Professional Learning
DEL collaborates with the Office of Arts to provide city-wide dance professional learning workshops for NYCDOE dance educators.
See highlights from our January 2023 on the Tracing Footsteps – Journey Into Jazz Dance: Let’s Swing! Curriculum, below.
92NY Harkness Dance Center and Dance Education Laboratory (DEL) are also New York State Education Department-approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) and provider of CTLE hours pursuant to Section 80-6 of the Regulations of the Commission of Education.
Contact DEL Director Erin Lally at 212.415.5595 or [email protected] for more information on how DEL can provide Professional Learning to your school community.