Invest in Arts Education
If you’re a Daily News reader, you may have seen this in Thursday morning’s edition—an opinion piece, co-authored by DEL Founder Jody Gottfried Arnhold, Misty Copeland, Wynton Marsalis, and Russell Granet.
In it, we urge the Mayor, Chancellor and City Council to take this unique moment in the City’s budget history to make good on their promises to fund arts education.
In the Mayor’s executive budget approved by City Council, there is not a single federal dollar towards investing in arts education beyond pre-pandemic levels.
We encourage you to share the opinion piece with your networks, with a call to action to contact their City Council members and encourage them to portion $250 million of the allocated $6.9 billion federal stimulus dollars to arts education.
Affecting this change would be a massive win for the children of our city.
We hope you will do what you can help spread this message.