Sandi Stratton-Gonzalez, MA, is the Manager of the Arnhold Support Programs for Dance Educators, teaches Dance for Children with Disabilities for the National Dance Education Organization and works as a freelance curriculum writer and professional learning facilitator. For over 20 years, Sandi taught at The Children’s School (PS 372) in Brooklyn, the nation’s first fully inclusive public school. There, she developed a sequential PK -5 curriculum, chaired the Arts Committee and administered the school’s enrichment programs. Sandi is co-author (with C. Gallant and D. Duggan) of Dance Education for Diverse Learners: A Special Education Supplement to the Dance Blueprint and has been published in Dance: Current Selected Research Volume 7 and Dance Education in Practice. Sandi taught dance education majors at Hofstra University for over a decade, and was the founding Director of Soundance Repertory Company (1984-1999), a community-based dance group.