Join DEL and Paul Taylor Dance Company for an In-Person Workshop on “The Green Table”

Perspectives on The Green Table: Curriculum Release & Workshop


Join the Paul Taylor Dance Company (PTDC), 92NY Dance Education Laboratory, and the NYC Department of Education for the Perspectives on The Green Table: Curriculum Release & Workshop on October 15.

We’re inviting educators, artists, dance historians, and everyone passionate about the power of art to speak and create change to gather for a six hour, in-person workshop this October. New, groundbreaking curriculum centered around Kurt Jooss’s iconic work, The Green Table, will be shared, explored, and embodied. 


Carolyn Adams, Director of Education at the Paul Taylor Dance Foundation, shares perspectives on The Green Table in a short video lesson below:

“This is a very rich dance to study, because you can actually follow Jooss’s journey in its creation, almost as if you were conceiving it yourself.
– Carolyn Adams, Director of Education, Paul Taylor Dance Foundation


Dance with us in the spacious and gorgeous PTDC dance studios, where the PTDC dancers are currently rehearsing The Green Table in preparation for their upcoming November Lincoln Center performance! Richard Chen See, PTDC will co-facilitate.

Students who participate in the workshop receive a free ticket to a PTDC performance at Lincoln Center this November.

This workshop is hosted in collaboration with the NYC Department Of Education.

RSVP by October 12 and join us!