Mary Seidman has been on the faculty of the DANCE EDUCATION LAB (DEL) since 2015, teaching public school Pre-K teachers the value and methods of dance education and its mission of “Dance for Every Child.” In other capacities, has been celebrated as a “beloved dance teacher” for many years, operating her own dance school, Keystone Dance (1990 – 1998); a teaching artist for The Guggenheim Learning Through Art Program, earning the honored “The Hilla Rebay Teaching Artist Award” in 1998. She has taught for and performed works for Young Audiences of NY, CT, and PA, NYFA, Mark DeGarmo Dance, Hunter College Elementary School, The Bank Street School for Children, among many others. Ms. Seidman earned an MS in Education at Lesley University and an MFA in Dance through Hollins University at ADF. She is currently an active faculty member of the Mark Morris Dance Center for seventeen years, on faculty at the newly opened RIOULT Dance Center, a teaching artist with Alvin Ailey AIE Program, and a guest artist at several colleges and universities. She also has taught a special needs population of people challenged with Alzheimer’s Disease. Ms. Seidman writes feature articles for Dance Teacher, Dance Magazine, and reviews for EYEONTHEARTS. She has served as Secretary of the American Dance Guild for nine years, co-producing an annual dance festival in NYC that features 35 contemporary choreographers and honors three luminaries with Lifetime Achievement Awards. Her lecture on The History and Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts has toured several colleges and universities. Her choreography and dance company, Mary Seidman and Dancers, has been described by Jennifer Dunning in The New York Times as “pure dance work with threads of emotional nuance woven into the whole.”