The DEL Movement Sentence Choir (MSC) is inspired by the movement choirs created by Rudolf Laban in the early 1900’s, which were designed as democratic and community centered celebrations of dance. Laban’s movement choirs were architectural choreographies often performed outdoors with large numbers of participants. DEL conceived of the 21st century version of Laban’s movement choirs six years ago and has continued to develop the concept. A construct unique to DEL, the original DEL Movement Sentence Choir invites guest choreographers to bring their vision to the group process.

The movement sentence choir is based on a theme and action words. The facilitators use the theme and action words as their inspiration to develop the choir over the course of a three-hour workshop. By the end of the process, the dancers have collaborated and created a group dance that is performed for a live-streamed audience.

The goal of the DEL Movement Sentence Choir is to bring together a diverse group of dancers and dance educators to participate in a collaborative dance making and community building process. The MSC combines dance concepts from LMA, choreographic devices inspired by group relationship elements of Laban’s movement choirs, and creative processes of contemporary choreographers. The themes of the MSC are often linked to current and relevant social themes which are impacting the political and cultural climate in the USA today.

The DEL MSC is accessible to all dancers and can be developed with all age groups and populations of diverse learners.  Dancers experience the power of group dance as a vehicle for community building and social change.

92ndStreet Y – DEL Movement Sentence Choirs

2015: Kendra Portier, Mike Esperanza and Sidra Bell + Taryn Vander Hoop and Sumi Clements

2016: Larry Keigwin + Taryn Vander Hoop and Sumi Clements

2017: Urban Bush Women + Taryn Vander Hoop and Sumi Clements

2018: Nicole Wolcott + Taryn Vander Hoop

2019: David Dorfman + Jody Gottfried Arnhold and Ann Biddle

Gibney Dance – DEL Movement Sentence Choirs

2016: Larry Keigwin + Taryn Vander Hoop

2017: Gibney Dance + Taryn Vander Hoop

2018: Monica Bill Barnes + Taryn Vander Hoop

DEL Movement Sentence Choir
Sunday March 25, 2018
Facilitators: Nicole Wolcott + Taryn Vander Hoop
Theme: Dancing Through Barriers
Action Words: Dodge Push Catapult Topple Soar